Must Know Advanced c++ :

3 min readJun 17, 2023


Advanced c++ concepts :

Templates and Template Metaprogramming:

Explain what templates are in C++ and how they are used.
Describe the concept of template specialization and its importance.
Discuss template metaprogramming techniques, such as type traits and constexpr.

Smart Pointers:

Differentiate between unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr and discuss their use cases.
Explain how smart pointers help manage dynamic memory and prevent memory leaks.
Discuss the concept of reference counting and how it’s used in shared_ptr.

Move Semantics and Perfect Forwarding:

Explain the difference between move semantics and copy semantics in C++.
Discuss the purpose and benefits of move semantics, including improved performance and resource management.
Describe the concept of perfect forwarding and its use in generic code.

Concurrency and Multithreading:

Discuss the basics of multithreading in C++ and the standard library support (std::thread, std::mutex, etc.).
Explain the concepts of race conditions, deadlocks, and synchronization mechanisms.
Discuss higher-level concurrency constructs like condition variables and futures/promises.

RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization):

Explain the RAII principle and its importance in C++ resource management.
Discuss how RAII is implemented using constructors, destructors, and smart pointers.
Give examples of RAII usage for managing resources like files, network connections, and memory.

Move Semantics and Rvalue References:

Explain the concept of rvalue references and how they enable move semantics.
Discuss the benefits of move semantics, including reduced overhead and more efficient resource management.
Give examples of move constructors and move assignment operators.

Lambda Expressions:

Explain lambda expressions in C++ and their role in providing anonymous functions.
Discuss the syntax and usage of lambda expressions, including capturing variables and specifying return types.
Show examples of using lambda expressions with STL algorithms like std::for_each and std::sort.

STL (Standard Template Library):

Discuss the key components of the STL, including containers, algorithms, and iterators.
Explain the concepts of iterator categories and their significance.
Give examples of using different STL containers and algorithms for common tasks.

Type Traits and SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error):

Explain the concept of type traits and how they can be used to perform compile-time type introspection.
Discuss the role of SFINAE in template metaprogramming and how it enables selective template specialization.
Give examples of using type traits to enable or disable template functions based on type properties.

Concurrency and Parallelism with std::async and std::future:

Explain the std::async function and std::future type for performing asynchronous computations.
Discuss how std::async can launch tasks in parallel and return a future to represent the result.
Give examples of using std::async and std::future for concurrent and parallel programming.

C++ Memory Model and Atomic Operations:

Explain the C++ memory model and the concept of memory ordering.
Discuss the std::atomic template and its role in providing atomic operations for shared variables.
Give examples of using atomic types and operations for thread-safe programming.

Custom Memory Allocators:

Discuss the concept of custom memory allocators and their use cases.
Explain how to implement a custom memory allocator using overloaded new and delete operators.
Discuss the benefits and trade-offs of using custom memory allocators.

C++17 and C++20 Features:

Discuss the new features introduced in C++17, such as structured bindings, std::optional, and constexpr if.
Explain the features introduced in C++20, such as modules, coroutines, and concepts.
Give examples of using these features and discuss their benefits.

Exception Handling and Exception Safety:

Discuss the concepts of exception handling and exception safety in C++.
Explain the different exception safety levels (basic, strong, and no-throw) and their guarantees.
Give examples of writing exception-safe code and using RAII to handle resource cleanup.

C++ Standard Library Algorithms:

Discuss the algorithms provided by the C++ Standard Library, such as std::find, std::sort, and std::transform.
Explain the requirements for using these algorithms with user-defined types.
Give examples of using these algorithms to solve common problems.




I have been a coder all my life . And yes a dreamer too. But i am also interested in understanding different aspects of life .